Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

Fruits Health Benefits

It was already known by many people that to have a healthy body is necessary to consume healthy food, and fruit is one example of a healthy foods that much beneficial for human health because the fruit content various nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates,  vitamins A, B , C, D, E, F, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, beta carotene, and so on, because it is not surprising that there are a lot of fruit health benefits for the human body if consumed regularly, and some fruit and its benefits for the human body is as following

Vitamin C is a vitamin of the most dominant in the soursop fruit is about 20 mg per 100 grams of fruit soursop and useful as an excellent antioxidant to increase body resistance against various diseases and also useful to slow the aging process

Calcium and phosphor is the dominant mineral in soursop respectively by 14 and 27 mg per 100 grams. Both minerals have an important role in the formation of bone mass that help build strong bones and prevent osteoporosis.

In addition to nutritional components, sour sop fruit is also very rich in non-nutritional components. One of them is a lot of fiber food contains a very good system to facilitate the digestion in the body, soursop fruit is a fruit that is rich in phytochemicals compounds, so as to ensure that the fruits are very much beneficial for health.

There are different types of mangoes in the market, and mango fruit is a popular one that many people enjoy because it tastes sweet and refreshing. And for a variety of nutrients that are in the making of mango beneficial to human health are as follows

The content of carotenoids called beta or crytoxanthin is a good material for treating cancer diseases experienced by a person

The content of Vitamin C, E in mango fruit contains fiber which can help the digestive system. Most fiber dissolves in water and can maintain the body's cholesterol to remain normal as well as an antioxidant for the body which help boosts immunity against various diseases.

Mangoes have chemical properties and certain pharmacological effects, which are astringent and member benefits to increase appetite, refreshing, and mild laxative, Eliminates phlegm.
Mango useful for various diseases  too such as overcome scabies, ulcers, diarrhea, poor appetite, including inflammation of the skin, impaired vision, asthma, influenza, bleeding gums, inflammation of the respiratory tract, sore throat, shortness of breath, menstrual disorders , leucorrhoea, rheumatism, and hernia

Persimmonfruit is also called flirty fruit because the fruit skin plastered with white powder, and persimmon fruits contain different types of nutrients that are good for your health, among others, are as follows

Fiber content contained in a persimmon amounted to two times more than that contained in apples, and it useful to facilitate the digestive system in the body and lose weight.

Persimmon fruits contain antioxidant compounds that help boost immunity against various diseases such as cancer, and premature aging.

Another persimmon fruit health benefits are healthy lungs, eliminate hunger, strengthen the spleen, preventing hardening of the arteries, and keep your blood pressure to remain normal

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

Health Benefits of Ginger

Health Benefits of Ginger Explained

Drinking ginger when cold temperatures are fun for several people, especially people living on the continent of Asia, because ginger is believed to warm the body have been cold. And it turns out many health benefits of ginger are taken advantage of not just a warm body, because there are a lot of nutritional content in the ginger, and the following are some health benefits of ginger for the human body.
Relieve nausea
 The first health benefit of ginger is relieving nausea for those of you who are traveling with a vehicle, and also for those of you who frequent nausea due to pregnancy. Some studies show that ginger contains substances similar to vitamin B5 that can cope with nausea.

Treating cancer pain
The results of studies conducted by the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center, which is taken from the websites healthdiares have shown that ginger powder is useful for killing cancer cells in the ovaries, and a study in Minnesota also found that colon cancer cell growth can be slowed with ginger.

Treating heartburn
Ginger has long been believed to relieve heartburn experienced by a person by mixing ginger with tea

Treating inflammation and pain
Inflammation and pain experienced by someone believed to be treated by taking ginger

Preventing and treating flu
Ginger also has long been used as a natural remedy to overcome the flue

Treating abdominal pain
Ginger is believed to cure stomach ache or food poisoning is experienced, and also help to facilitate the digestive tract.

Relieve cramps
In Chinese medicine, ginger is also used to treat menstrual cramps due.

Relieve migraine
The study found that ginger can relieve migraine pain by stopping the work of prostaglandins, which cause pain and inflammation in blood vessels.

By seeing the many health benefits of ginger, so if you experience any of the above diseases, and you cannot medicine, then you can use ginger as a medicine naturally to eliminate your diseases.